Best Doctors Medical Care offers a complete set of benefits, ample provider network in the U.S., and free Choice of providers in the rest of the world.

Maximum Annual BenefitUSD $2 million
EligibilityUp to age 74
Hospital NetworkWorldwide Coverage
100% - Outside U.S.
100% - Inside U.S. through the MEDICALCARE™ Network
Latin America Coverage
100% in Latin America excluding Brazil
HospitalizationWorldwide Coverage
100% - Outside U.S.
100% - Inside U.S. through the MEDICALCARE™ Network
Latin America Coverage
100% in Latin America excluding Brazil
RoomWorldwide Coverage
100% - Outside U.S.
100% - Inside U.S. through the MEDICALCARE™ Network
Latin America Coverage
100% in Latin America excluding Brazil
Intensive CareWorldwide Coverage
100% - Outside U.S.
100% - Inside U.S. through the MEDICALCARE™ Network
Latin America Coverage
100% in Latin America excluding Brazil
Accommodation for Accompanying MinorNot Applicable
Reconstructive surgery in case of Illness or accident100%
Surgery (including Outpatient Surgery)100%
Emergency Room100%
Major Diagnostic Services100%
Surgical Treatment for symptomatic disorders of the feet100%
Cancer risk reduction surgery (Prophylactic surgery)$10,000 per Insured per Lifetime
Bariatric Surgery, Gastric by-pass, and any surgical procedure intended for eight loss, its complications, treatmentsNot Applicable
Cancer Treatment100%
Emergency Dental CoverageOnly covered within the first 180 days of the accident
Physicians and Specialists Visits100%
Surgeon and Anesthesiologist FeesWorldwide Coverage
100% - Outside U.S.
100% - Inside U.S. through the MEDICALCARE™ Network
Latin America Coverage
100% in Latin America excluding Brazil
Prescribed MedicationsUSD $6,500 per Insured per Policy Year after the Deductible (outside of a hospitalization)
Preventive Care (Available in deductibles $500/$1000 and $1000/$2000)Not Applicable
Outpatient Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Home Health Care (private nurse)USD $4,000 per Insured per Policy Year, after deductible
Illness or injury in Private Aircraft100%
Surgical Implants or Prosthesis (excluded dental)100%
Durable Medical Equipment, Special devices (External Prosthesis, Orthotic devices)USD $6,500 per Insured per Policy Year, after deductible
Maternity***USD $2,000 (Deductible options USD $1,000 & $2,000) per event, no Deductible applies
Stem Cells***Not Applicable
Maternity Complications and Birth Complications***USD $75,000 lifetime per Policy. A 10 month Waiting Period applies.
Rider USD $300 annual cost for additional USD $500,000 lifetime coverage. (Available in deductibles $1,000 and $2,000)
Inclusion of NewbornAutomatically included without underwriting if born from a covered maternity and if not born of a pregnancy that is a result of any type of fertility treatment
Additional Benefit for dependentsNot Applicable
Congenital and Hereditary Disorders (<18 years old)USD $100,000 lifetime per Insured
Congenital and Hereditary Disorders (≥18 years old)100% per Insured per lifetime, subject to the Maximum Benefit of the Policy
Organ and Tissue TransplantsUSD $300,000 per organ/ tissue per Insured per lifetime and USD $20,000 for medical expenses for the Living Donor
Specialized TreatmentsNot Applicable
AutismNot Applicable
Routine Health CheckupNot Applicable
Routine Health Checkups for Minor ChildrenNot Applicable
Palliative / Hospice CareNot Applicable
HIV/AIDSNot Applicable
Coverage for Accidents while Practicing Professional SportsNot Applicable
Emergency Transportation
Air AmbulanceUSD $30,000 per Insured per Policy Year to the closest hospital of qualified treatment. No deductible applies
Ground Ambulance100% No deductible applies
Repatriation of Mortal RemainsUSD $5,000
Additional BenefitsNot Applicable
In case of serious accident, as defined in this Policy, no deductible will apply for the first Medically Necessary Hospitalization, following the Serious Accident. Any subsequent treatment will incur the Deductible
Deductible will be waived up to a $5,000 maximum in case of an Accident or Emergency that occurs while the Insured is travelling outside of his/her country of residence
Not Applicable
Coverage for accidents that occurred during the practice of professional sportsNot Applicable
Coverage for accidents that occurred during the practice of high risk activities100%
Temporary Emergency coverage while application is evaluated$25,000
Coverage for Alzheimer disease100%
Unique ServicesInterConsultation™
Best Doctors Concierge™
Optional Coverage Available+ Critical Select